Q: What is Member News?
Member News is a panel in your member dashboard for finding exclusive news, paid job oopportunities and industry insider updates and perks.
For Pro Members, it is also a place to submit your own news to RAMPD so we can feature it on our website. If you have any professional achievements you want to share with RAMPD and the world, please use the form in Member News.
What type of items can you submit to us?
There is one file upload field for materials such as images or documents.
You can submit only one of the following with a maximum file size of 3 mb:
One image (.PNG, .png, .JPG, .jpg)
One formatted (.PDF, .pdf)
One .ZIP/.zip file that contains numerous documents or images (any type but jpg, pdf, and .doc preferred).
Please do not submit .pages files in your .zip file, as not all of our staff is on MAC OS.
If we have questions about your submitted content, we will contact you.
© Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities LLC 2022