Q: How do I add a video from youtube or vimeo to my profile?


This answer assumes you have already created an account on YouTube and uploaded your video.  

Step 1: You must be logged into RAMPD, in your Member Dashboard and on the Edit Video Media Screen under Edit Profile.

Step 2: Navigate to the video you want to include in your profile.

Step 3: Select and Copy the URL at the top of your browser for your video’s URL.

How to Copy/Paste : Windows | Mac

In YouTube: 

Snapshot of screen showing url address bar where youtube video link is located

In Vimeo: 


Step 4: Paste this URL into the field on RAMPD corresponding with the Video field that matches whether it is audio described or not. 

How to Copy/Paste : Windows | Mac

Step 5: Do steps 1-4 again if you need to add another version of your first video with audio description in the provided field.