About Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer
1/5/2024. B"HHI my name is Kimmie Joy Zeltzer
AKA "Hadassah Chavivah bat Chaya Faiga"
I am a award winning artist in several mediums
My brand is called Tzedeck.com
I have a hidden disability
You can pronounce the name of my brand by pronouncing the "Tze" as the sound the letter "S" makes or the sound a snake makes LOL!
Tzedeck means Justice in Hebrew specially Social Justice.
Ten percent of all of our sales will go to social justice causes we feel passionate about.
That is why our brand is called TZEDECK.
Recognition and Awards
Hollywood Sun Awards | "Hidden in Plain Site" Also known as " A Reynah in Exile"
filmmaker, producer, edtier, artist, writer
filmmaker, producer, edtier, artist, writer
Certificate of excellence SilverMask FilmFest | "Hidden in Plain Site" also known as "A Reynah in Exile"
Director, producer, writer,Filmmaker, Artist,
Director, producer, writer,Filmmaker, Artist,
2022’s Refuat Hanefesh Creative Expression Contest. | First place Winner
Video Sample
Audio Samples
© Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities LLC 2022