About Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer

HI my name is Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer and I am an artist and an award -winning songwriter fine, artist, and filmmaker and the owner of the brand Tzedeck.com I have a hidden disability.

I have a TradeMarked Brand called Tzedeck.com . You can pronounce the name of my brand by pronouncing the "Tze" as the sound the letter "S" makes or the sound a snake makes.

Tzedeck means Justice in Hebrew specially Social Justice.

TZEDECK (tzeh - dek) is a trademarked brand that sells inclusive products with powerful, motivational and spiritual messages. TZEDECK means justice in Hebrew.

TZEDECK was founded by Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer. Hadassah is an local Brookline artist.
Hadassah considers herself an underrepresented artist with a disability.

Ten percent of all of our sales will go to social justice causes we feel passionate about.
​ That is why our brand is called TZEDECK.

Recognition and Awards

| "Hidden in Plain Site" Also known as " A Reynah in Exile"
filmmaker, producer, edtier, artist, writer
| "Hidden in Plain Site" also known as "A Reynah in Exile"
Director, producer, writer,Filmmaker, Artist,
| First place Winner

Video Sample

Audio Samples