Articles Tagged 'articles'

Interview with Bill McCann, founder of Dancing Dots

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  • April 2023

Pro Member Joey Stuckey interviews, Dancing Dots' Bill McCann "When I first realized that I wanted to be a musician for a living, I tried various methods to figure out how I would learn music. I have many skills as a blind musician, but also some obstacles that I had to overcome.   The biggest obstacle—how was I supposed to read music notation like my sighted counterparts so we could play together."

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When Practice Makes Broken–Rethinking Toxic Productivity in the Music Industry

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  • April 2023

What “hustle and grind” means when your 24 hours aren’t the same as mine. Every time I open Instagram, I always end up closing it with the same thought: ”well that was a mistake.” I know social media is supposed to be about sharing, but with sharing comes comparison–and when you live with a chronic illness or disability, comparison is a dangerous game to play.

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