Sabeerah Najee - February's PRO member highlight!
Salvador Lopez | in News | February 22nd, 2024

Sabeerah Njee | She/her | Producer and DJ
This month we're highlighting Long Beach native Sabeerah Najee, a multifaceted artist and DJ, who also advocates for accessible programming on the inside at Golden Voice. Sabeerah is also an active and dedicated Pro Member and is Co-Chair of RAMPD's Partnerships Committee.
Sabeerah has performed DJ sets with Soulection, and most recently performed at our very own RAMPD GRAMMY-week Inclusion mixer. As major brands like Nike, Diesel, and Coachella have welcomed Sabeerah with open arms, she looks towards the future to allow her passion for music and philanthropy to take her places she's never imagined.
For more information on Sabeerah, check her out HERE!
Tagged: pro members, Member highlight, member news
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