RAMPD December 2024 DISCOURSE Speaker Series ft. Keri Gray
Salvador Lopez | in Verified Exclusives | December 10th, 2024

Meet Keri Gray in this month's Discourse Series!
RAMPD DISCOURSE Speaker Series Featuring Keri Gray
Keri Gray is a cancer survivor, entrepreneur and CEO of the Keri Gray Consulting Group, LLC. She's worked to make festivals and event spaces like Coachella more disability inclusive. She is also founder of the National Alliance of Melanin Disabled Advocates (the NAMED Advocates), which creates spaces for disabled leaders of color and allies to connect and grow. Keri’s work has been featured in Teen Vogue, the New York Times, People Magazine, Time Magazine, PBS NewsHour, Madamenoire, and the Diet Coke campaign #Unlabeled.
The meeting focused on disability leadership, accessibility, and inclusion in the entertainment industry, with Keri Gray sharing her personal journey and experiences. The discussion also covered the importance of representation, community, and collaboration in overcoming internalized ableism and creating a safe and inclusive environment for all communities.
In case you missed it, no worries we got you covered!
Tagged: RAMPD Pro Member, RAMPD Exclusive, RAMPD Verified
© Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities LLC 2022