GRAMMY’s highlights RAMPD in
Editor | in Press and Awards | July 29th, 2022

5 Ways the industry can help support musicians with disabilities.
The @RecordingAcademy asked RAMPD 5 Ways the industry can help support musicians with disabilities, and we banded together to share our expert opinions!
We are so proud to be paving the way for Disability Culture and Inclusion in the music industry here at RAMPD!
With contributions from:
Shelby Lock - @shelbylockmusic
Lachi - @lachimusic
Tracy Marie - @assassinwoman
Brandon - @bkazenmaddox
Namel Norris - @4wheelcity
Gaelynn Lea - @gaelynlea
Precious - @precious_puertorican20
Stephen Letnes - @stephenletnes
d Aoede - @aoede.muse
DJ Pastor Rock - @djpastorrock
Leroy Moore - @blackkrip
....and more!
Tagged: rampd, rampdup, disabilityadvocacy, disabledmusicians, disability, disabilities, wheelchair, disabilitypride, blind, asl, signlanguage, violinist, guitar, piano, grammys, lachi, gaelynlea, musicindustry
© Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities LLC 2022