Celebrating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Music Artists

Lachi ADMIN | in News | April 23rd, 2024

Celebrating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Music Artists

Let's celebrate amazing Deaf and Hard of Hearing artists this Deaf History month! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŽ‰

As we embrace our diverse membership, we’re eager to spotlight our deaf/hard of hearing Pro members. Within our community, we celebrate individuals with all types of disabilities, each bringing their unique talents, flare, and respective expertise that represent RAMPD so well. As one of our members puts it, “I would definitely like to communicate to other individuals that making music without being able to hear higher frequencies is not impossible.” 

Let’s support our musicians! 🎼

Image description - image reads RAMPD celebrating deaf and hard of hearing artists. Picture shows five musicians.- Mandy Harvey, Wawa Snipe Clint Warren, Torina Gedler,  Raymond Antrobus